What’s the best graphic design software?

Pictured above: Adobe InDesign 6  We'll start with what doesn't work! Word processor programs, such as Microsoft Word are a bad choice for print layout. The reasons for that are numerous, and not within the scope of this article. The bottom line is (unless you’re dealing with simple black and white documents, and the simple, non-critical

What’s the best graphic design software?2013-05-08T21:33:55+00:00

New Rules for Business Mailing: USPS January 2013 Changes

You've probably heard that the cost to mail a First Class letter is going up a penny. More info on that here. Notably, the largest impact of the Jan. 2013 changes involve standard class (read: bulk) mail. An effective cure for insomnia can be found in this PDF. Here's the short list for self mailers, our most

New Rules for Business Mailing: USPS January 2013 Changes2013-01-16T05:22:17+00:00

It's a printing thing

I still get a rush from jogging a ream of printed brochures, freshly off the printing press. It's the same kind of rush your customer gets when she feels the rich texture of that paper between her fingertips. When you're designing for print, remember that the reader's experience is tactile as well as visual. That's

It's a printing thing2010-12-16T13:14:51+00:00

How's Your Copy?

bmw ad.pdf It's practically child's play to make a great impression using print. Just take enough time to write some decent copy for your ad, brochure or mailer. That simple practice has become so rare that even a perfunctory effort at story telling gets attention. It's really quite daring to step out and tell a

How's Your Copy?2010-04-22T18:34:39+00:00

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