Customer Testimonials


Kelly Middleton

Director of Community Affairs, GLACVCD
As always, thanks tons for the professionalism, promptness, and just plain perfection J.  Gonna call you Mr. 4P

K.R. – Private Practice Attorney
“Working with Bill Alpert/BrandOne Marketing on my communication plan was an extremely valuable experience!   Bill is an astute listener and his coaching brought focus and structure to what I perceived was a daunting process.  His guidance and input made the process “fun”, brought my passions to the surface, and helped me to identify my ideal client base.”

Sonja – Human Resources Professional
Hi Bill, I was off on Friday, so this morning I saw the amazing work you did on the invitation/confirmation. It’s STUNNING! I’m so impressed and excited. Thank you so much for the outstanding quality. It’s exactly what I was hoping for!

Jay Conrad Levinson – Author of “Guerrilla Marketing” series of books
great stuff, william.  you have a radar for the head of the nail, which you just hit.

Laurie Kajiwara – City Officer
Thank you again; I appreciate you and your company’s professionalism, quality, consistency and customer service throughout the many years I have been working with you. More and more these days those qualities seem to be a rarity.

LaDonna – Credit Union Marketing Director
Received the business cards and Statement Stuffers from Copies & Ink yesterday (3-days earlier than anticipated) is exceptional work. You make me look good. J Thank you!

Jane W. – Non Profit Executive Director
The Annual Report looks amazing! Thanks so much for the fast turnaround.

Paul – Urban Planner
It was an absolute, without-a-doubt, sheer honor to work with you for so many years. I’ve worked with some great people, but you are definitely at the top of the list.

Raymund – Human Resources Specialist
Thank you for taking the time to visit us and discuss our ongoing project. We reviewed the proof, and all the colors, text, grammar, and punctuation look good. As I mentioned during your visit, the only thing we’re asking is for the guide lines to be removed. Other than that, everything looks good and you can send the project to press. Thank you for all your patience and follow up during this process. We truly appreciate all the hard work and great service you provide ADP!

Amanda – Graphic Designer
Thanks Bill, I have to say I am consistently pleasantly surprised by the intriguing content  you are able to generate for this newsletter. I especially enjoyed this issue, because I am huge foodie, but never expected to read about food here…. Keep it up.

Corinne – Human Resources Manager Fortune 500 Company
Here is what I have always said that differentiates you from other providers:You (and your folks) don’t just take our job and print it. You’re in the trenches with us—offering advice, making enhancements, and even troubleshooting technical issues. We never have to feel like we’re alone in the final processes of taking our vision for documentation and putting it “on the press.” I have never heard you say something can’t be done. Even when we dream up something that you haven’t seen or done before (or we’re simply running behind on a project), you’re willing to find a way! Finally, your customer service is outstanding! I have never heard an unkind word or tone even when we’re asking for the hundredth change! I could go on and on, but you can read between the lines!