New Tools, Same Old Traps

OK, I love the web, and likely you do too. Still, I’ve been hard pressed to understand how “social networking” comes into play for business marketing. Most of what I’ve seen falls into the category of shameless self promotion. And that’s a shame. Certain hard truths will always be unavoidable, be it in print, direct

New Tools, Same Old Traps2009-05-06T22:41:41+00:00

The Perfect Website

Well of course, it doesn't exist. Still, too many sites seem to miss the mark; they're stuck in old world thinking about marketing and advertising. They focus their engergy on promoting a brand, or product benefits. Yes, people still do buy the brand, but using a website to promote a brand misses the point. The

The Perfect Website2009-03-27T01:06:08+00:00

Control Freaks: Print is for you!

Think you've got your website design nailed? Here's what Joseph Webb, Ph.D., Director of Economics & Research Center says:"Content creators use graphic design techniques to ensure that images are viewed in a manner that they will make their client's message effective. In print, they have almost full control of the physical nature of their

Control Freaks: Print is for you!2008-05-13T00:28:31+00:00

Featured Site: Brainy Zip

While working on a client's consumer survey project I recently ran across , a quick and easy way to look up a plethora of demographic information, all sorted by zip code.... Of course you'll find the typical stuff, such as distribution of population by age group, but how about some interesting tidbits?

Featured Site: Brainy Zip2008-05-02T00:39:18+00:00

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