Print and Design Articles2020-04-29T00:11:55+00:00

Incredible Journey

Bella and Larry Alpert, Israel 1950 by Bill Alpert In 1953 my father first set foot on U.S. Soil. With only a single suitcase, Larry Alpert stepped off the Lockeed Constellation, along with two dozen

10 cents worth of shampoo

How can just a few words and a single ounce of shampoo bring fortune to your company? How can saving a few pennies end up costing you hundreds or thousands of dollars? I'm in Chicago on an extended business trip, and decided to try a new (to me) hotel chain:

Out of control?

According to Fortune Magazine, the top five (revenue) private firms accounted or something like $343 billion in sales. This group includes Koch Industries, Cargill, Chrysler, Kaiser Permanente and the US Postal Service, which is technically not part of the US Government. It's interesting to note that of these firms, the

Let’s Work Together


Click the red box just below, and add your information below, and I’ll be in touch. – Bill Alpert


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