Your mailing list is probably out of date, even before the moment you save that Excel file! It’s a hard fact, but almost always true. Here’s something you can do to make it better:

If you send standard class mail (most folks call it bulk mail) the Postal Service gives you a method to route inaccurately addressed pieces according to predetermined instructions. Add the appropriate “endorsement” to the design of your mailing panel. Here are your choices:

“Address Service Requested”

Months 1 – 12: mailpiece forwarded; no charge; separate notice of new address provided; address correction fee charged.

Months 13 – 18: mailpiece returned with new address attached; Only Standard Mail (A) weighted fee charged (address correction fee not charged.)

After month 18, or if undeliverable: mailpiece returned with reason for nondelivery attached; Only Standard Mail (A) weighted fee charged (address correction fee not charged.)

“Forwarding Service Requested”

Months 1 – 12: mailpiece forwarded; no charge.

Months 13 – 18: mailpiece returned with new address attached; Only Standard Mail (A) weighted fee charged (address correction fee not charged.)

After month 18, or if undeliverable: mailpiece returned with reason for nondelivery attached; Only Standard Mail (A) weighted fee charged (address correction fee not charged.)

“Return Service Requested”

Mailpiece returned with new address or reason for nondelivery attached; only return postage at Standard Mail (A) single-piece rate charged (address correction fee not charged.)

“Change Service Requested”
Separate notice of new address or reason for nondelivery provided; in either case, address correction fee charged; mailpiece disposed of by USPS.
Note: if return of the mailpiece is desired, use “Return Service Requested.” subject to appropriate Standard Mail (A) single-piece rate.

No endorsement

Mailpiece disposed of by USPS. (No exception for Single-Piece Rate Mail.) Single-Piece Rate Mail must be endorsed if forwarding or return is desired.

All of this can be a bit confusing. If you have questions, be sure to check with our staff to make sure your mailer is produced and mailed correctly.